
Clinical Hypnotherapy is extremely effective for healing and processing trauma. 

One of the reasons for that is that our subconscious mind (the main focus of hypnotherapy) does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. 

When we are traumatized we are in a certain state of hypnosis, meaning we become focused on one aspect of the experience rather than the whole experience. During a trauma, that aspect imprints onto our subconscious mind and can create perceptions about the incident that are no longer serving us today and are instead interfering with moving forward from it. 

By using hypnosis, I can change some of those perceptions - it is this registered experience that is still creating the trauma symptoms after all, not the event that occurred and is now long gone.

If you have a trauma that you would like to release and be free from, as your Hypnotherapist, I will facilitate safely and gently, sessions that can transform your experience and your life. 

If you have any further questions about treating trauma with Hypnotherapy, feel free to contact me 021 043 7490